One more reason to be a rich person if you have the option…

I played piano for our two student concerts on Saturday; it was grouse.

Now it has been my genuine belief for many years that rich people buy a lot of super expensive things that are WAY worse than normal person things… gross spiky or pinchy watches that aren’t even waterproof, ugly branded clothes, just awful, embarrassing, torturous shoes, super big two or three storey houses that are not near the shops and have no lifts or dumb-waiters for sheets and towels, pointlessly grotesque SUVs... exy variants of things that ordinary middle class people sometimes have, but in supersized dumb versions.

BUT! one thing that rich people sometimes have that is NOT DUMB is a quality grand piano. My frands these items cost one gazillion dollars and they fit nicely in a loungeroom the size of your WHOLE HOUSE; and they are to nice ordinary uprights as Adam Shapiro’s oaty sourdough is to a plastic-wrapped loaf of wondershite. Even if you are QUITE BAD at the piano, those bad boys almost play themselves. They are super quiet at the quiet end, they have one ton of grunt at the loud end, and there seems to be a lot more difference between mf robust and mf comfortable and mf lonesome than on a normal pno. Instead of two 8ves of ugly barking, the bass end just goes down and down into beauty like the Marianas Trench twenty years ago. The bouncy action gives even a techniqueless wonder like myself the illusion that they can play repeated notes in time…

The good news is that (although she is definitely not the Gucci-purse-and-$200-tshirt-type rich person in any way) by the simple expedient of working herself half to death and saving up for about 40 years, my very own auntie got one a few years ago for her 70th and I will probs get another chance at it at Christmas… woooo!

Stay safe kids. Cases are on the rise in Sydney. Get your booster when it’s time - I have to get onto mine! C x


I think all of my students know all of my other students


Singing teaching and minefields